E-waste is the part of waste in the EU that has been growing the most in recent years and is expected to continue to grow. Since improper disposal imposes an environmental and health problem, the EU has issued the WEEE directive regarding the resource-friendly and environmentally friendly treatment of disposed devices. CERTIFY helps you as a manufacturer or retailer to fulfill your obligations under the German Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act and the European WEEE Directive and thus make your contribution to protecting the environment.
What does WEEE mean?
WEEE stands for Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment. The corresponding EU directive 2012/19/EU for electrical and electronic waste is implemented into national law in all EU member states and aims to avoid waste by repairing old devices, reusing device parts or recycling materials. This promotes environmental protection and sustainability. Since valuable and rare resources such as cobalt are built into electronic products, reuse makes sense not only from an ecological but also from an economic point of view.
Support for registration and quantity reporting

CERTIFY supports you with the WEEE service in complying with the national laws, advises you on all questions relating to the EU directive and accompanies you through the entire process. We will perform both initial and new registrations for you and ensure that your notification and disposal obligations are met.
Our service also includes the provision of the insolvency-proof guarantee in Germany acc. to the ElektroG through our tested and approved collective guarantee system. You only pay a small annual subscription fee and can conclude the contract with a term of one year or, if you wish, longer. We would be happy to make you an individual offer depending on the quantity and type of devices. With CERTIFY as your partner, you can be sure that the pick-up and set-up order will be fulfilled, and the quantity report will be carried out on time.
With the WEEE full-service, CERTIFY offers you a legally secure solution that impresses with its efficient and smooth process. We support you so that you can concentrate your energy on the development of new products. Enjoy 100% legal compliance!
Which products are covered by the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act or the WEEE Directive?
The law covers all electrical and electronic devices that are used privately or commercially and require electricity with a maximum AC voltage of 1,000 volts or a maximum DC voltage of 1,500 volts for their operation. Devices that are only intended for the military, for space and large stationary devices are explicitly excluded. The laws therefore affects all devices from the LAN cable to the hand blender to the medical ultrasound device.
What are the obligations under the laws and directives?
The laws require you as the distributor (manufacturer and dealer) to register the product with the national authority as well as take-back schemes. In addition, you are obligated to pay for disposal and to take back old equipment yourself. The law also stipulates that end users are not allowed to dispose of the devices with household waste but must bring them to a collection point. End users can also hand in the device to local retailers in accordance with the legal requirements. Trade is also subject to the obligations under the law if the product is being brought onto the respective market for the first time.
Who must fulfill the obligations?
Manufacturers, dealers and importers as well as online marketplaces are considered as distributors and must comply with the legal requirements. This applies both nationally and internationally, i.e. also when you export or import. You will therefore be confronted with WEEE many times during your business, even if you are not directly aware of it.
What is the WEEE number and who needs it?
The WEEE registration number is a combination of a country code and a series of eight digits, through which the distributor can be clearly identified. The number is assigned by the local authority and requires the specification of sensitive company data as well as the device type, brand and sold amounts. If you produce electrical and electronic equipment for the German market or are the first to place it on the German market, you must register. The same applies abroad.

International full service from CERTIFY
For you as a producer and retailer, compliance with national regulations and registration with the relevant authorities will involve a considerable amount of time and effort. With CERTIFY at your side, you don’t have to read up on the applicable law or communicate with authorities in the local language. It doesn’t matter whether it’s across the EU or in Great Britain, Norway or Switzerland – use our international full-service and trust in our expertise and experience. Feel free to contact us and let us advise you!